What do I eat then? Well, at least not just carrots!

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Wat eet ik dan wel? Nou, in ieder geval niet alleen maar worteltjes!

You really don’t have to be shy about nutritional advice, I still eat tasty, satisfying and sometimes sinful. I don’t really think sinning is a good term anyway, I consciously choose it and I really don’t feel guilty about it. If I consciously choose unhealthy things, I also want to be able to enjoy them!

But of course it can take some time to switch gears. If food, which was seen as the basis of existence, can be better avoided for the time being, this often initially provokes a mild panic reaction.

What is left then? It is a frequently heard statement.

More than enough! And that is exactly the starting point that I always recommend taking; don’t look at what you would rather avoid. But look at everything you can still eat.

My current (and temporary) starting point is that I limit/avoid gluten, animal dairy and refined sugars. So think of the average types of bread, pasta, rice, milk, yogurt, cookies and almost all processed foods. Oh yes, and alcohol. Many see this as their foundation (with the exception of the alcohol, I hope).

What are we eating today?  I think this is (after the weather) one of the most frequently asked questions within a household. What do you mention first? pasta/rice/bread with a slice of cheese and a glass of milk and for dessert yogurt or custard (-lala, as we call it here at home).

Things have been slightly different for me for years now. When I think about what I’m going to eat, I first choose the protein source; eggs, chicken, fish, meat, nuts, kernels and/or seeds. In addition, a lot of vegetables and I am not too stingy with adding healthy fats, herbs and spices.

Proteins, vegetable/fruit fibers and fats are quite filling and by eating pure, fresh and unprocessed you will become saturated faster than if you eat a lot of processed food.

Can’t you imagine anything about that yet? Below is an example of a day in my life regarding nutrition:

Breakfast: Coconut milk with chia seeds, handful of blueberries and a handful of unroasted and unsalted mixed nuts.
Lunch: Soup/salad, leftovers from last night’s dinner or a seed cracker with hummus and peppers.
Dinner: Salmon with spinach and sweet potato.

I don’t pay any attention to the amount of calories, I eat as much as I want.

I try to limit my snacks, and usually I’m so full from the meal that I don’t miss them. But if I still feel like something sweet, I grab a slice of banana bread, a date/cocoa/coconut ball or just dark chocolate (>85% cocoa).

Variety is pretty important, so don’t make the mistake of repeating your 3 favorite meals every day! Then you will automatically create new problems.

Finally, a tip for you; If you wish to adjust your diet, do so slowly. Step by step so that it becomes a beautiful journey with sustainable results instead of a temporary stressful period because the change is simply too big and abrupt and you cannot sustain it. Be a little kind to yourself! Every small step forward ultimately yields a big result!

Could you use some (more) help? Then take a look at the EetWijs page for useful tools!

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