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Review DarmWijsOnline

Review DarmWijsOnline

Marieke followed the DarmWijsOnline series, read below how happy it made her!

“Karen has so much knowledge and knows how to convey this in a very accessible way! The DarmWijsOnline series is beautifully structured, very complete and gives you energy to get started with your intestinal health yourself. Everything shows that Karen is a has a huge passion for healthy food, intestines and poop. Meanwhile, the pots of cabbage are fermenting. Thank you Karen for these educational lessons!”

I can recommend Karen to everyone

I can recommend Karen to everyone

Nathalie, a lady with years of intestinal complaints, was looking for someone who could give her nutritional advice. Below is her view on the guidance I offered her. 

 When I called Karen I got exactly the same feeling as I had with the website. It came across as authentic, without frills.

I had a very good telephone conversation with Karen, she was also very realistic, this is me, I can do this and I cannot do this yet. After this I let the conversation sink in for a while, this is not about Karen but this is about who I am. Ultimately I made the decision and continued with Nutrition Coach Vledder.

Karen comes across as knowledgeable and is fresh in her ideas and approach. She clearly indicated that she started very recently and is still training. Karen handled my request for help well and quickly and immediately came up with practical ideas and advice about nutrition. And no recipes with too many ingredients, but just something that is easy and quite simple to follow. Karen is not someone who works for you, but thinks along with you. She has a very low threshold.

Unfortunately, my trajectory has changed. In terms of nutrition, Karen has helped me a lot and my goal has been achieved, but with supplementation this turned out differently. This is not to the detriment of Karen because she helped me very well, had a lot of research done and wrote a good supplementation plan.
Karen explains everything very clearly and uses concrete examples. Through these examples you understand what she means and you make the link more easily.

When everything is calm again for me, I will definitely want Karen as a Nutrition Coach again.
And I will recommend Karen too!

In short, I will recommend Karen to everyone, Karen is fast, thinks out of the box, gives clear and good advice, the products she recommends are easy to purchase in the supermarket or other store. And she stands next to you, this is what I find very important and nice about Karen.

It gives me goosebumps…

It gives me goosebumps…

From M’s story. It’s moving how much the intestinal complaints hindered her daily life. I am so happy for M. that this has now come to an end and she can enjoy it again! That’s what I do it for!

And to think that there are so many people with similar severe complaints. Know that there are options to determine and treat the cause!

Read her story below, written by M., 20 years old.

I have had intestinal problems all my life, this is also common in the family, so I had never looked for anything behind it. Until it became increasingly annoying in recent years. In fact, it became so annoying that it really started to take control of my life. I had huge cramps, sometimes a few times a day and was very tired. This really held me back in daily life.

I sought various medical help for this, and was always told that it was probably in my head, which I also heard a lot in my environment. I was told through the grapevine that Karen had an alternative way and that she was certainly open to helping me with this. 

From the start, Karen took me seriously, which alone was quite a relief! We performed several tests (which had not been offered to me before) and this provided a lot of clarity. I had a bad pathogenic bacteria in my intestines, but I also appeared to react very badly to different types of food, such as gluten. 

Then the treatment could start. I had to pay close attention to what I ate, because the bacteria were not allowed to grow further. I have also received other treatments to attack the bacteria. I also stopped eating the foods that I couldn’t tolerate, so I immediately noticed a difference. If I ate that due to a mistake, for example, I noticed it right away. 

This way my body finally had the space to recover with the right supplements. I had more energy, my concentration and mood improved. And the cramps and nausea were also gone. Looking back, it may have been years since I felt this good! 

I never expected that nutrition and supplements could change so much.

I really learned that intestinal complaints are not normal, and that it is certainly good to talk about it or have it looked at!

Experience story of M., 20 years old, intestinal complaints

Paulien’s experience story – Pregnancy wish

Paulien’s experience story – Pregnancy wish

Paulien came to me at the end of last year. Initially for help with losing weight. The underlying desire to lose weight was to increase the chance of pregnancy, but unfortunately this did not happen ‘by itself’.

In my advice, I have therefore also taken into account nutrition that contributes to pregnancy, because there is more to it than a healthy egg and (how do you get) a top-fit ​​seed! Ultimately with a beautiful result, read Paulien’s story below.

Written by Paulien, July 2023

December 2022:

In December I was thinking about what I wanted to do with my body. I wanted to lose weight and we wanted to have children, but unfortunately that did not come naturally for us. Then I searched around on the internet and came across Nutrition Coach Karen Alferink. I thought that’s easy, pretty close, I’ll make an appointment there.

January 2023:

Once I made an appointment, my first impression was good. There was an immediate click. A spontaneous girl and I was well received. We discussed my wishes that I would like to lose weight because I also want to have children. It’s unbelievable what Karen knows about that. It’s not just nutrition that she can help you with! But just the whole human body. You will be amazed at what you learn about the body. And which vitamins and minerals are needed to get everything back in order. We opted to take a hormone test and have blood taken to see if everything is in order.

March 2023:

We received the results in March and it turned out that my thyroid gland is not working optimally and that my hormone (progesterone) was a bit on the low side.

What are we going to do about it?

Well, of course Karen has her answers ready for that. We sat down together and discussed what kind of supplements I can take for this. By eating healthy and taking these supplements, your body will change completely. You notice that you simply fell short on that part.

April 2023:

I started taking the right supplements in April and also started taking progesterone cream. After all, we also had a desire to have children and the research showed that I was a little short of that. By determining your cycle and applying the cream every day (a pea a day), you hope that you might get results. Because of course it remains a miracle if you are allowed and able to have a child.

May 2023:

Miracles are not yet out of the world.

Karen helped me so much with the nutrition, supplements and things I needed. That a positive pregnancy resulted! It’s all so wonderful. Because of all her good advice, we are so proud that we succeeded. Karen is someone who is always there for you. Really super nice. She is always accommodating with you.

Karen is willing to help you as best as possible so that you can avoid possible complications. I am now 13 weeks pregnant and everything is still going very well. You couldn’t be a happier person.

Do you want this too? Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with Karen. You’ll be amazed at what she can do for you. Not only nutrition, but she can do much more for you.

Lots of love, Paulien Thijen.

On January 20, 2024, Paulien and Sjon became proud parents of a beautiful, healthy daughter.
I really do my best to remain professional, but tears of joy, gratitude and happiness come to my eyes when I received the first birth announcement as a therapist. I’m only human…luckily! Lfs, Karen

fertility #desire to have children #pregnant #hormone balance #thyroid

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With love, Karen